About Andrea

Hi! I will write this as if anyone other than close friends and family are even reading it!

Hello, My name is Andrea. This is my blog about everything that is fun, interesting and important to me. I decided to create this blog as a creative outlet for myself. I'm passionate about a few things in my life. Family, Food, Yoga and my faith.

I am married to Evinson, we have been for 5 years and we've been together for going on 13 years! We have two of the most amazing children, Miles 4 and Nyla 1. We live in Stamford, CT, where Evinson grew up. I'm from Monongahela, PA in western PA.  We met and the only school that matters in the big 10, Penn State! We are??!! 

I hope I can share some insight into some of the important things in my life. I hope that it may be interesting, entertaining, and enlightening at times to read.
